a close up of a sourdough loaf

As the hard work of the prototype process gathers pace, I have to work harder to keep hold of the dreams that led me to apply for this funding with Jon. Let there be no doubt, work needs to be done, and with two months until the showcase event, I am accutely conscious of that. At the same time, it is the dreams that give shape, purpose and, perhaps, soul to the work. We owe it to ourselves and to SWCTN to daydream regularly. This is not just to remain aquainted with the vision, but also to harness the problem-solving and pathfinding benefits of our default mode network - the functions of a mind at rest, or without a single, consuming focus. Many of my best solutions for coding problems come when away from the screen (whether stepping away in frustration, taking a walk, or just cooking dinner).

Dreamers are also doers, its just the doing is not always evident!

Why the bread image? I thought my lockdown adventures in sourdough were a nice analogue for dreaming and grafting. There is effort and process in making a slow leavened loaf, but there is also time, waiting, hoping, dreaming.